Master of Business Administration degree is something I was looking forward to learn ever since I got the bachelors degree in engineering. I am pretty sure that I wont become a master of business administration even if I complete the course. But people say that the learning process that happens in B-Schools groom you to face successfully the onslaught of events in your business career. Without an mba you are less equipped to take on the world.But I believe MBA is never a replacement for years of real experience.

The learning process (academic time) teaches you the fundamentals of managing a business. A company can be run in an informal way or in a professional way.MBA helps you choose the later.Professional course teaches you how to plan, use efforts of talents and allocate resources towards realization of set targets.
You can learn about the relationship between different functions and departments of a business such as sales, marketing, finance, hr, administration, operation, public relations, R&D etc. It helps you face problems occur in the business and translate them to figures, graphs, formulas and find practical solutions. There are lot of jargons related to business, finance, tax laws and certain industries.An MBA Student is expected to play around with these terms during his course.
Running a small business means you are doing a one man show. This makes it impossible to do a full time course. Hopefully I shall take up d course at the earliest.
Here are my dream list (TO DO LIST)
The learning process (academic time) teaches you the fundamentals of managing a business. A company can be run in an informal way or in a professional way.MBA helps you choose the later.Professional course teaches you how to plan, use efforts of talents and allocate resources towards realization of set targets.
You can learn about the relationship between different functions and departments of a business such as sales, marketing, finance, hr, administration, operation, public relations, R&D etc. It helps you face problems occur in the business and translate them to figures, graphs, formulas and find practical solutions. There are lot of jargons related to business, finance, tax laws and certain industries.An MBA Student is expected to play around with these terms during his course.
Running a small business means you are doing a one man show. This makes it impossible to do a full time course. Hopefully I shall take up d course at the earliest.
Here are my dream list (TO DO LIST)
- Possess an MBA degree to learn things.
- Learn Flying and get a Commercial Pilot License (Herculean task considering the money and difficulties involved )
- Learn Swimming (Relatively easier than the other)
- Start a small computer institute / technical training institute for the lesser privileged youths that would bridge Digital Divide and provide education for FREE. Payment of Tution Fee would be Banned in that learning centre.The instition wont be for sale of education. (Very difficult to make it happen as again lot of money required)