It is really sad to see people playing games online prefering to skip football practice or a cricket match.But times are changing from the old video game with shaky displays to the playstation, xbox and pc games.The animations are of higher quality now.The sound, motion effects are also a main attraction of these games.I am not a big gamer.So i am not in touch with the gaming industry.Of cource i play computer games but not internet or mobile games.But many of us like internet games.
So if you would like to play internet games i shall introduce you a good indian site to play online games if you have a fast internet connection.I have played some games during my college days.The best of them was Max Payne with all that violence and gun shots.I have wasted many hours playing.But still i play a game once a week.It is called Project IGI.Old game though, started playing from 2005 now in some level and haven't completed that yet.Another game i liked was GTA Vice City where i am a criminal or thief wandering through a virtual city.When i first heard about the virtual personality or living website Second Life, GTA Vice city was the idea that passed around me.
Now India games is the site i was talking about.Check out for yourself.